Billing manipulation of computerized systems

While shopping a single person should avoid going to malls and posh shops with computerized billing, especially if they have a lot of items to be purchased because of the rampant billing manipulation which is taking place. Individuals are often overcharged for items which they did not purchase, cheating them . In a smaller store, the shopkeeper will usually allow the customer to manually check the items and verify whether the items are being billed correctly, in larger stores, there is a lot of rush, and the staff does not have time to allow the customer to check manually, especially if there a lot of items . A single person is usually trying to ensure that all items are collected and taken properly , they do not have the time to manually verify the bill at the store after making payment, Large stores should be preferred if only a few items are purchased or the shopper has someone else with him or her.
This is exploited by frauds to overcharge the person or label the person as a cheater depending on their requirement, ruining the life and finances of a person.


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