Why is goan government not associating naina,sunaina, riddhi caro, with Kiran Mazumdar shaw or other business owners

there are many famous women in India, including business owners, who have worked very hard for their resume, savings, income. No stranger, though she may be the wife of government employee or having powerful lovers will falsely claim to be associated with these women and get all the privileges, powers of the real business owner, while the business owner is viciously defamed
If anyone falsely claims to be related to a business owner it is a clear case of fraud and the business owner or any person can initiate legal action

For example, many people falsely claim to be celebrities, politicians to misuse the name, dupe people and they face legal action for fraud under section 420 of the indian penal code

In 2019, the relationship between the google competitor, domain investor and engineer with the 10 google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree is that of stranger, there is no connection at all, The goan government is not associating naina,sunaina, riddhi caro, with Kiran Mazumdar shaw or any other businesswoman, why is the goan government falsely associating these lazy greedy women with the hardworking engineer, to divert all her correspondence, income and opportunities

If anyone including government is making fake claims it is clearly a case of defamation, fraud,discrimination.