Backlinks and search engines

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Backlinks commonly referred to as ‘page links’ are key to the visibility of your web pages in the search engines and attracting visitor traffic. When thinking about backlinks there are three elements you need to consider, the source from which the backlinks originate, the anchor text of the backlinks and the content of the page to which the backlinks directs the visitor to.

The quantity of backlinks

All search engines appraise the quantity of backlinks to a web page when deciding where this page should be displayed in the search results. more… Backlinks and search engines

Why back links are essential for good search engine rankings


Before putting any effort whatsoever into creating any web pages you should have considered how you intend to get people to visit and ‘consume’ your content. Regardless of whether you are creating web pages for business, as a hobby or to inform there will inevitable come a time when you are going to want get people to come to your web pages. You need a significant proportion of your traffic to come from the search engines. more… Why back links are essential for good search engine rankings