Money required for purchasing household goods

When domain investors withdraw cash from their bank account, corrupt security agency employees will hysterically and falsely claim that the cash will pose a security threat when actually cash is required for purchasing household goods like soap and pillows. In small towns , there are few malls or supermarket, a shopper has to visit many retailers, who usually do not have a credit or debit card machine , so money in the form of cash is usually preferred.

Fraud google, tata, NTRO, CBI employees unable to defend their financial fraud openly

Since 2010, the cunning fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees are involved in a major financial fraud, making completely fake allegations without any proof at all, against a harmless obc single woman engineer, domain investor, to steal her hard earned money, correspondence, resume, without a court order or legally valid reason. These ntro, cbi, google, tata employees only specialize in slander and lies, they do not have the courage or honesty to defend their complete lies in an open debate.
The domain investor openly challenges the 10 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced google, tata sponsored call girl, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree to undergo a health and financial check up to support their completely fake claims of owning the investment of the single woman engineer which has been stolen by cbi, security agency employees on the payroll of google, tata without a court order or legally valid reason.

Google has changed indexing algorithm

The advantage of registering domain names regularly is that a change in the google indexing or algorithm can be immediately detected. It appears that in february 2017 some newly registered domains, which were partly indexed in google like pictureset have got deindexed, when earlier they would get indexed almost immediately with 3 days.
In other cases domains like solarcore , pcworkathome and wahp which were deindexed due to hosting problems or using ad networks like Bidvertiser have also got deindexed and are also not getting indexed quickly . Only after spending a lot of time and money , it will be possible to find out why the domains are being deindexed, and prevent the waste of domain names.

Ugliness caused by unhappiness

In VS Naipaul’ s book A writers people, he talks about his old grandmother, who was looking ugly in her old age, because of her unhappy life. It appears that indian intelligence and security agencies, google, tata are very aware of the fact that a person who is in very great pain continuously or extremely unhappy will become ugly over a period of time, even if he or she was good looking earlier. So the extremely cruel criminal tata, google, officials are bribing the dishonest fraud security and intelligence employees, especially NTRO employees related to shivalli brahmin cheater housewife R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar and others to stalk the google competitor, torture and cause great pain, at every possible opportunity to ruin her appearance to the extent possible,
They are also making it extremely difficcult for the google competitor to sleep well at night knowing that it affect her appearance especially the skin when she is not get enough sleep, skincare products will not fix the problem.

Online marketing strategy of competitors

One of the easiest way to rank well online, is to replicate the online marketing strategy of a competitor who is ranking well in search engines like google. The website owner(or their marketing agency), should prepare a comprehensive links list of the competitor’s website and then try to get the same links for their own website, to improve their search engine ranking and get more visitors to their website. It may take some time to compile a megalog of their competitors link strategy, however it will be useful in future.