Fashion and other excuses to play online poker

Most domain investors are not aware of the fact that top intelligence and security agency officials, large companies like google, tata are using extremely flimsy excuses like fashion, verbal communication skills, weight, height to play online poker without their permission, destroy their life, steal their resume , savings, memory and correspondence.
Actually the domain investor is like any other investor or business owner, taking the risk of investing his or her time and hard earned money to invest in domain names and try to make a profit and the intelligence, security agencies have no right to interfere as the indian government has not nationalized domain investment or website development. However the indian intelligence and security agency officials allegedly bribed by google, tata are shamelessly abusing their powers and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud relatives and friends, risk averse cheaters, own the domain names, websites of a private citizen, a clear financial fraud.
Google, tata and other companies are least interested in paying the market price of the domain names, website yet shamelessly spread false rumors about domain, website ownership in a cheap attempt to destroy the life, reputation and health of the domain investor who is competing with google in advertising. Google has perfected the art of destroying the life of any competitor, becoming the internet master poker player, manipulating and controlling the most powerful officials in the internet sector, intelligence and security agencies, especially in India to increase their profit.

When the google, tata sponsored goan call girls and other fraud indian intelligence employees are least interested in doing any work online or investing any money online, the identity theft attempt can never succeed, yet the fraud top officials continue to falsely claim that the domain investors life is a casino, when actually there is no threat to her life,identity, except that the indian government is wasting tax payer money paying a monthly salary to goan calls, cheater housewives and other frauds faking her resume,investment and work

WordPress blogs, human rights abuses and identity theft

WordPress is getting a lot of positive coverage in the media, however few are aware of how those who install wordpress blogs are brutally exploited, tortured by powerful officials and organizations. WordPress claims to be an open source software however they will openly discriminate against those who are not westernized or good looking enough, and get the corrupt local intelligence and security agency officials to stalk, sexually harass, torture, steal the identity of harmless domain investors, who made the mistake of installing wordpress blogs on their domain names.
Often advertisers are paying for wordpress blogs to be installed, so investors interested in making some extra money will install wordpress blogs, however few are aware of the fact of how they will be brutally exploited and tortured especially in panaji, goa, if they install wordpress blogs, treated worse than criminals or slaves. NTRO and other officials are closely monitoring all the online activities and then blast the domain investor with microwave radiation, if a wordpress blog is installed.
Why does the wordpress or NTRO not openly and officially declare that only westernized, good looking, young women, men are allowed to use wordpress, why falsely claim that the wordpress blog of a domain investor belongs to the lazy greedy mediocre fraud relatives and friends of local intelligence and security agency officials who are defaming, torturing the domain investor daily, when these lazy greedy google, tata sponsored fraud women indian intelligence employees do no work online and are not spending any money online at all on domain names, other expenses.
A formal declaration by NTRO that the wordpress blog owner, lifestyle, appearance has to be approved, will clarify matters to a great extent, and reduce the torture, exploitation, of harmless citizens. A look at wordpress blog related problems and other alternatives for blogging at Blog Maze, close kept secrets of the blog and virtual world. Just because a person has installed a few wordpress blogs due to denial of information, the indian government falsely claims that google, tata sponsored sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds have her educational record , impressive resume, investment and paypal acount, to give all the call girls and other frauds lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs.

Instead of licking the feet of wordpress developers, why is India, not like turkey, indonesia allowing their citizens to install any number of wordpress blogs without stealing their resume. WordPress should become paid if they wish to impose restrictions on the appearance of their users

Videos, visuals and the virtual world

Like other investors, domain investors are private citizens who are investing their hard earned money to make money from domain names and do not expect any interference from the government because domain registration, renewal, development has not been officially nationalized, at least in India. However the harash reality is that powerful greedy dishonest powerful indian intelligence and security agency officials, their relatives, friends and associates are too risk averse, lazy to invest their own hard earned money in domain names, yet are allowed to waste indian tax payer money for decades to defame and harass the harmless domain investors, allegedly bribed by large corporates like google, tata who wish to acquire talent and technology cheaply.
These irrational fraud powerful officials are making, circulating unflatttering videos, visuals like photos of the harmless domain investor, wasting indian tax payer money, to ruin the reputation of the domain investor and then falsely claiming that their relatives, friends, sex partners and associates, who do not spend any money on domain names, own the domain names of a private citizen who is being defamed.
Like all frauds, these officials cannot justify the warped logic of the virtual world in an open debate, just because someone is making videos, photos of a woman who they hate to defame her, why does she stop owning her assets like domain names in which she has invested her money, and why are lazy greedy cunning frauds defaming her allowed to falsely claim that they own her domain names? Defaming a person, does not mean that the slanderer(or his associates) automatically has the resume, investment of the person against whom they are making fake allegations against without any legally valid proof at all.

Aloe vera website and content deleted by NTRO officials

In a clear indication of how ruthless google, tata, ntro officials are in causing losses to the domain investor whose resume, memory, correspondence they are stealing for google, tata sponsored goan call girl, cheater housewife and other fraud indian intelligence employees, ntro officials first forced a webhosting company papashosting,com to shut down and then deleted all the files of aloe vera website from the hard disk of a computer to cause losses, wasting her time and money in december 2016.
The ntro officials are getting a monthly salary and pension from the indian government, yet they extremely petty cruel cybercriminals, misusing the expensive equipment at their disposal to cause financial losses to harmless indian citizens, so that companies like google, tata can make more profit. These companies do not have the honesty to rent or lease or purchase the domain names, paying the market price, they are indulging in endless corporate espionage, cybercrimes, abusing their powers as indian government employees

Google bribing NTRO officials to steal resume of competitor

To defame, cause losses, deny opportunities and reduce the income of link sellers competing with iit kharagpur gold medalist sundar pichai led google, google is allegedly bribing the powerful ntro officials to steal the resume of a google competitor, NTRO officials are encouraged and protected when they are pasting the photos of their mediocre lazy greedy fraud girlfriends on the impressive resume of a google competitor, to get all the fraud girlfriends lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary of Rs 20000 or more each, at the expense of the google competitor who is not getting anything at all.
This google fraud has continued for 6 years, and no action is taken against the ntro officials and their girlfriends wasting indian tax payer money.

Intelligence, security agencies using hitech torture techniques on foreign sports teams in India

Increasingly it appears that indian intelligence and security agencies are using hitech torture techniques on foreign sports teams in India, allowing the indian sports teams to win any game easily . Allegedly bribed by google, tata , the indian intelligence and security agencies first used these methods on a harmless google competitor to destroy her life, steal her resume, money and memory, increase her blood pressure, and ensured that their torture techniques were never detected as most people will not believe that these methods are effective, now falsely claim that she should be only doing writing work .
It is believed that microwave radiation torture, voice to skull technology, memory reading, and other methods are being used extensively on visiting sports teams in India to cause insomnia, great pain, lack of concentration , mental stress so that the visiting team is not in the best of health and mentally fit.
So India barely managed to escape defeat in the first test, as the security agencies did not have enough data on the english players to perfect their torture of the players, However as the english team spent more time in India, the security and intelligence agencies could collect enough data to perfect the most effective high tech torture method for each of the english cricket team.
So indian cricket team had multiple advantages that in addition to playing on home ground, they were also not subjected to torture by the crooked dishonest indian intelligence and security agencies like the english cricket team

Leather and PU leather compared

Leather items are fairly expensive and those who can afford leather items, will usually purchase leather purses and handbags, as they are more fashionable. However leather will get damaged in the rains or when exposed to water, so most people with a limited budget are only using bags and purses from PU leather and similar material as it is cheaper and more durable. Most retailers are also only selling PU leather purses, they do not keep genuine leather purses in stock.

Suppliers of leather and PU leather, especially lining material can send their offers to

Finding small pet animals and plants

Increasingly companies like google, tata are allegedly using hitech methods like microwave radiation to torture and slowly murder their competitor. The NTRO and other officials are bribed to misuse the expensive equipment to murder a harmless citizen offering permanent jobs for their mediocre lazy relatives, friends and sex partners falsely claiming that these women are online experts and domain investors, owning this domain also . To detect the exact location of their victim, the officials like the relatives of goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, obc bhandari slut sunaina chodnekar, brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar, are using infra red imaging and ultrasound methods, so one way to deflect the attention of these officials is to keep one of more small pets at home , as the infra red will also catch these pets, plants and make it more difficult to detect the position of the human resident of the home.
However keeping pets at home can be time consuming and expensive as they require a lot of care. Dogs have to be taken for a walk daily, cats may dirty the house. Finding small pets, plants which require less care and easy to keep animals can be difficult for a person living in a small town

Identity theft fraud of google, tata on domain investor leave no funds for webhosting

For doing any work on a computer, a domain investor has to spend some money on computer hardware including monitors and also for an internet connection. Allegedly the iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google, tata are involved in an impersonation fraud on single female domain investors, bribing the corrupt ntro officials to steal the resume of domain investors and get the girlfriends and relatives of these ntro officials lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs, the real domain investor has very limited funds for paying the expenses.
These 10 google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees falsely claiming to be domain investors do not spend any money on computer hardware,domain registration, renewals, internet expenses or do any work online, yet are getting a monthly indian government salary of Rs 20000 or more GIFTED to them by google, tata , their fraud relatives, friends, sex partners in NTRO, R&AW, CBI
Hence the real domain investor who actually pays all the expenses , and is getting no financial help from anyone is forced to find free webhosting with zero cost or low cost webhosting for the websites because of the google, tata sponsored identity theft, resume theft fraud

Specifications, design of laptop monitors

Since corporates like google, tata have allegedly hired ntro and other government officials as contract killers to slowly murder domain investors, paypal account holders with microwave radiation weapons, these paypal account holders find that their laptops are the worst affected by the high power microwave weapons unleashed by the contract killer government employees. The displays of laptops are getting damaged very quickly and the poor domain investors are forced to purchase external monitors repeatedly to work on computers. More information on specifications, design of laptop monitors for reference by monitor buyer